We are thrilled to unveil an impressive lineup of keynote speakers and a unique facilitation program for its 2024 Fall Summit, “Human Intelligence: Bold Leadership for a Purpose-Driven Future,” scheduled for September 26-27, 2024, in Teton Village, WY.
Introduction to TLC with Sandy Schultz Hessler & Lynne McAuliffe;
Keynote speakers Jonathan Schechter & Jim Richie Dunham
Laying The Foundation: Presentation of the results of the public opinion survey of area residents about what we care about and how we feel about where we are going as a baseline for how we can build our leadership abilities to create a thriving community.
With Jonathan Schechter; Jackson Town Council Member & President & Founder of the Charture Institute.
Total Value Generated: You as a Source of Good Growth: It is possible to serve all the stakeholders in your sphere and to fully engage the creative energies available to you. It is time to say Yes! to the creation of net-positive systems.
Presented by Dr. Jim Ritchie-Dunham; President of the Institute for Strategic Clarity and The Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University.
DR. JIM RITCHIE-DUNHAM; President, Institute for Strategic Clarity & The Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University Dr. Jim Ritchie-Dunham stewards a global initiative to create net-positive systems. He is the founder and president of the Institute for Strategic Clarity, researcher in Harvard’s Human Flourishing Program and in Harvard’s Center for Work, Health and Well-being in the School of Public Health, as well as teaching strategy and responsible leadership in the Boston College Carroll School of Management. His scholarly research on abundance-based systems of agreements is informed by field tests in 59 countries and survey data from ~164,000 responses in 126 countries. Dr. Jim Ritchie-Dunham describes this work in the books Agreements 2023, Ecosynomics (2014), and Managing from Clarity (2001), as well as articles, videos, and online courses. Heis the lead co-editor of the book Leadership for Flourishing to be published by Oxford University Press.
JONATHAN SCHECHTER: Founder & Executive Director of the Charture Institute, and Jackson Town Councilmember Jonathan has been a member of the Jackson WY town council since 2019, and is also the founder and Executive Director of the Charture Institute, a Jackson-based think tank. Charture’s focus is on Co-Thriving, the state in which human communities and the natural environments around them simultaneously flourish. A graduate of Stanford and Yale universities Jonathan’s professional and political careers have been built around two fundamental premises: As a species, humans can be no healthier than the ecosystems in which we live; and as a society, we can be no healthier than our institutions. In addition to relishing the embarrassment of riches that is life in the Tetons region, Jonathan is the proud parent of his Tetons born-and-raised son Alex, a professor of sculpture at Clemson University.
An Open Discussion of the Strengths, Challenges, and Practices in Building a Multi-Faceted Success Framework for Your Business. Facilitated by Jim Ritchie-Dunham with Fred Keller; Founder of Cascade Engineering and Nona Yehia; Founder/CEO Vertical Harvest Farms.
Watch Nick Craig’s conversation with Andrew Perez; Founder of High Point Cider and Carli Sapir, Founder & CEO of Amboy Street Ventures. Highlights include honest stories of times both were challenged financially but stuck with their core values.
Both answer, “What are the only two things you can do?”
Purpose is a buzzword these days, yet how do we really articulate what that is, how to find it, and how it helps us shift our leadership mindset? Leading from Purpose transforms our impact.
NICK CRAIG, President & Founder of the Core Leadership Institute (CLI)
CLI is a global development firm committed to “waking up those who will wake up the many” For over 15 years, CLI has helped over 30,000 leaders discover their Purpose, the unique gift that they alone can bring to the world. In 2007, Nick began collaborating with Professor Bill George at Harvard Business School; this partnership ultimately led them to co-authoring, Finding your True North: A Personal Guide, which became the course book for the Harvard Business School MBA class Authentic Leadership Development (ALD). Nick is also the co-author of the Harvard Business Review article From Purpose to Impact. Nick’s expertise in Purposeful leadership has been sought out by both corporate and academic organizations ranging from The LEGO® Group and Ben & Jerry’s, to the United States Military Academy at West Point. The Harvard Business School case study, “Unilever’s Paul Polman: Developing Global Leaders” features Nick’s work with Unilever. Nick’s insights from working with these organizations are captured in his book Leading From Purpose:Clarity and the Confidence to Act When It Matters Most and “Leading From Purpose” podcast series.
Sue Muncaster, TLC’s Director of Marketing and Sponsorship, reads and excerpt of a poem Manifesto for the Beautiful Strugglewritten during the pandemic for the literary challenge: “What does Teton County look like in another 100 years?” during the Teton County’s Centennial Celebration in 2021.
The head of a leader brings clarity to an organization’s purpose and strategy, but it’s the leader’s heart that inspires others to engage and participate toward that purpose
When employees feel seen, acknowledged, and supported by their leaders, they have a greater sense of purpose and connection to their organization, leading to deeper loyalty, increased retention, higher drive, and a happier, healthier, more productive workplace.
On the second day, we faced the Tetons. If you’ve ever been to the Tetons, you know what I mean. We were invited to wander around a magical place on the National Elk Refuge and honing in on how we apply our purpose to ours