2023 Summit Conference
TLC Kick Off Summit
Sept 23-24, 2023
The 2023 Teton Leadership Summit was a transformative event designed for the leader in all of us who aspires to develop and embody next-generation leadership practices. A growing body of evidence shows that when we deepen into a broader sense of purpose, we can create healthier lifestyles, more engaged workforces, strong communities, and powerful bottom lines.
Visit our YouTube Channel to explore the recordings from our community of world-class thinkers and local leaders and learn more about connecting with your purpose, values, and vision, and discover how to engage wider in collaboration, interdependency, and innovate within complex systems.
Keynote Speakers

Nick Craig
Nick Craig is the President and Founder of Core Leader, a global development firm committed to waking up those who will wake up the many. He is the author of “Leading From Purpose: Clarity and the Confidence to Act When It Matters Most.”

Betsy Myers
Betsy Myers has extensive experience in the corporate world, government settings, and in higher education. A well-known expert on emerging leadership trends and women’s leadership, and is the author of “Take the Lead: Motivate, Inspire, and Bring Out the Best in Yourself and Everyone Around You”.

Craig Chalquist, PhD
Craig Chalquist, PhD, is a professor, published author, and corporate consultant who explores sagehood, soulful leadership, and the power of imagination and sense of place to reframe how we lead. He is a co-editor of “Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind.”

Jim Ritchie-Dunham, PhD
Jim Ritchie-Dunham, PhD, is the president of the Institute for Strategic Clarity and co-host of the Global Initiative to map the social topography of human agreements, affiliated with Boston College and Harvard. He is the author/co-author of “Leadership for Flourishing” (forthcoming), “Agreements,” “Ecosynomics,” and “Managing from Clarity.”

Matthew McCarthy
From starting in a family business to leading $1 billion-plus global companies, Matthew has been at the forefront of re-inventing business to drive results through purpose. He was the CEO of Ben & Jerry’s for the past 5 years, leading the company to its greatest period of financial growth and social mission impact. Matthew has received broad recognition including Cannes Gold Lion, Fast Company’s Most Creative People In Business, Adweek’s Brand Genius award, and Columbia Business School’s Botwinick Prize in Business Ethics.
To view all our Kickoff Summit Videos, please visit our YouTube page
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