Reframing Capitalism and Impact Investing – Aug 27, Teton Co Library 6 pm

Jackson, WY – Aug 9, 2024 – The Teton Leadership Center is set to host an enlightening community conversation about the unparalleled potential for the private sector, driven by the innovative spirit of capitalism, to address the complex challenges of our era. The event will explore how conscious leadership and stakeholder-centric principles are a powerful force for positive change that often surpasses traditional governmental or non-profit approaches.

Dr. Jim Ritchie-Dunham ~ Total Value Generated: You as a Source of Good Growth

It is possible to serve all the stakeholders in your sphere and to fully engage the creative energies available to you. It is time to say Yes! to the creation of net-positive systems.


President, Institute for Strategic Clarity & The Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University 

Dr. Jim Ritchie-Dunham stewards a global initiative to create net-positive systems. He is the founder and president of the Institute for Strategic Clarity, researcher in Harvard’s Human Flourishing Program and in Harvard’s Center for Work, Health and Well-being in the School of Public Health, as well as teaching strategy and responsible leadership in the Boston College Carroll School of Management. His scholarly research on abundance-based systems of agreements is informed by field tests in 59 countries and survey data from >164,000 responses in 126 countries. Dr. Jim Ritchie-Dunham describes this work in the books Agreements (2023), Ecosynomics (2014), and Managing from Clarity (2001), as well as articles, videos, and online courses. Heis the lead co-editor of the book Leadership for Flourishing to be published by Oxford University Press. 

Nick Craig on The Power of Purpose & How it Can Change Everything

Purpose is a buzzword these days, yet how do we really articulate what that is, how to find it, and how it helps us shift our leadership mindset? Leading from Purpose transforms our impact.

NICK CRAIG, President & Founder of the Core Leadership Institute (CLI)

CLI is a global development firm committed to “waking up those who will wake up the many” For over 15 years, CLI has helped over 30,000 leaders discover their Purpose, the unique gift that they alone can bring to the world. In 2007, Nick began collaborating with Professor Bill George at Harvard Business School; this partnership ultimately led them to co-authoring, Finding your True North: A Personal Guide, which became the course book for the Harvard Business School MBA class Authentic Leadership Development (ALD). Nick is also the co-author of the Harvard Business Review article From Purpose to Impact. Nick’s expertise in Purposeful leadership has been sought out by both corporate and academic organizations ranging from The LEGO® Group and Ben & Jerry’s, to the United States Military Academy at West Point. The Harvard Business School case study, “Unilever’s Paul Polman: Developing Global Leaders” features Nick’s work with Unilever. Nick’s insights from working with these organizations are captured in his book Leading From Purpose:Clarity and the Confidence to Act When It Matters Most and “Leading From Purpose” podcast series.

Click here to read more about Nick Craig’s impact on 20 community leaders.

Matthew McCarthy on Courage and Clarity

Matthew McCarthy, recently retired CEO of Ben & Jerry’s, discusses what living from and navigating through next-level leadership has taught him about what is possible.

With over 30 years in the corporate world, Matthew McCarthy has built a career transforming business. From starting in a family business to leading $1 billion-plus global companies, Matthew has been at the forefront of re-inventing business to drive results through purpose. He was the CEO of Ben & Jerry’s for the past 5 years, leading the company to its greatest period of financial growth and social mission impact. He recently wrapped up a 26-year run at Unilever where he led some of the most iconic and pioneering brands in the consumer packaged industry.

Matthew’s impact and leadership has received broad recognition including Cannes Gold Lion, Fast Company’s Most Creative People In Business, Adweek’s Brand Genius award, and Columbia Business School’s Botwinick Prize in Business Ethics. Matthew’s body of work speaks to his human-centered leadership approach and he is inspired to participate in the TLC Summit. He is a mentor and coach, and also considers himself a life-long student, especially in matters of gender and racial equity, reparative justice and environmental regeneration. Matthew’s wife Lisa is the Director of the Zoological Health Program at the Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx Zoo. They make their home in New York’s Hudson Valley.