Dr. Jim Ritchie-Dunham ~ Total Value Generated: You as a Source of Good Growth

It is possible to serve all the stakeholders in your sphere and to fully engage the creative energies available to you. It is time to say Yes! to the creation of net-positive systems.
President, Institute for Strategic Clarity & The Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University
Dr. Jim Ritchie-Dunham stewards a global initiative to create net-positive systems. He is the founder and president of the Institute for Strategic Clarity, researcher in Harvard’s Human Flourishing Program and in Harvard’s Center for Work, Health and Well-being in the School of Public Health, as well as teaching strategy and responsible leadership in the Boston College Carroll School of Management. His scholarly research on abundance-based systems of agreements is informed by field tests in 59 countries and survey data from >164,000 responses in 126 countries. Dr. Jim Ritchie-Dunham describes this work in the books Agreements (2023), Ecosynomics (2014), and Managing from Clarity (2001), as well as articles, videos, and online courses. Heis the lead co-editor of the book Leadership for Flourishing to be published by Oxford University Press.